A Quick and Dirty peek at some cool stuff from version 1.0 dev

For those three people that might be interested, I've been working quite a bit recently on the new codebase for the backend to SpongeMonkee for about two months now. Having a real job has cut my development time quite a bit, but I think the progress has been very good, considering.

That said, I've created the following GraphViz graphs to show some of the new functionality of the new backend. This page will be updated from time as I think of it if I get around to graphing any other cool features.

So without further ado, here's a couple of GraphViz graphs showing off a new feature of the backend, the ability to grab routing information through SNMP. Note that in these graphs, nodes are labeled only with their unique numeric identifiers. It's a trivial matter, however, to show either one or all IP addresses associated with a node, or label each connection with the destination network and netmask. For the privacy and security of the test network, these were removed.

Note: The last one's a PostScript file because browsers may have difficulty handling the PNG.